28 day Bikram Yoga Challenge


I have been doing yoga halfheartedly, on-and-off for the last 3 years. I blame this on the usual lack of funds and being too lazy to add in into my day. I really don’t know why because yoga really is amazing for you! Especially Bikram!

The times that I have been good and gone to yoga I have noticed huge improvements, but those improvements are short lived as I usually stop doing it.

However, now I am taking the bull by the horns (so to speak) and I have signed up for a 28 day challenge. To ensure I stay motivated I have managed to convince a friend to come with me and we have set wagers!

If I miss a class then I have to go on the super high ferris wheel that is in our area. I am insanely terrified of heights, so it’s motivation enough to get me into that studio everyday! My friend however is not a runner, at all. So if she goes less days than I do then I get to sign her up for a fun run! (This is perfect motivation for me and her!)

Today marks day 6. Some days have been tougher than others. But I have been seeing benefits already, this makes it bearable to keep going back! It’s challenging, but very rewarding.

I will keep updating our journey through the 28 days, and document the benefits that I find through my body and mind.

It’s going to become a real challenge starting next week, as I return back to school. I will have work, school, half marathon training, boot camp and yoga all crammed onto my plate. But I am 100% determined to get my friend to join a fun run with me!


Wish me luck!!


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